AGONIPPE Thank you, Greg, for the facelift. [agonnipe]
It has been one he� � heck� of a long week.

And it�s only Wednesday. Ash Wednesday even � but more on that later.

My long week actually started last week. Last Wednesday. [Irony. Insert sigh here.]

Last Wednesday, my boss was away. Last Wednesday while my boss was away, my boss� boss called me and a co-worker into his office to talk about a project we�re working on. My life as a Dilbert cartoon. It wasn�t a pretty meeting.

So I did what anybody on the burnout track would do � I took my work home: on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday, I found out that one of my best friends is going away. Probably forever. Saturday, too, my sister and my brother-in-law came to visit. Sunday, they told me that he�d been laid off. Monday, she told me that she thought she might be pregnant.

Usually, this would be enough to send me into paroxysms of anxiety. But my emotional engine redlined a while ago. Right now, I don�t think anything can get me beyond 2nd gear�

Tuesday, I found out that she�s not pregnant, and I struggled with feeling guilty about my relief. She�s disappointed, see. And I don�t want to come across as patronizing. But having a baby with both parents employed and covered by medical and life insurance is definitely better timing�but it�s not my life. She has to find her own way.

And I get to sit back and watch.

So, now it�s Wednesday. My boss is back in town. My project is back on track � much of it actually seems doable even.

And I�m tired. Fu�fudging exhausted.

And more pathetically, I�ve given up swearing for Lent. So, I can�t even adequately express my frustration!

I�m a creature of words � and now, some of my favorite ones are out of reach. Fudge. Dang. Heck. Gosh darn it. Shasta, shasta, shasta. And great googly moogly just don�t do it for me.

I�m going to be friggin Ned Flanders for the next 40 days.

Oh, fudge me.