AGONIPPE Thank you, Greg, for the facelift. [agonnipe]

I�ve just deleted the entry that I was going to post. I feel guilty for doing it, but it�s all still too raw.

I had a bad week last week. For days, I sat at my desk at work trying not to cry. The very act of swallowing tears made my throat ache.

Saturday was much better, but I can�t articulate why.

All the crap, all the baggage is still there, but the sun was out. Maybe that made the difference. Maybe not.

All I know is, it�s getting harder and harder to keep that scream behind my teeth.

It�s a scream without words but with plenty of voice. It�s not a scream of anger, but anger is part of it. Every morning lately, I wake and my jaw is sore from holding it in.

I find myself talking aloud. I�m saying, �It�s okay, Andy. It�s fine. It�s okay.� But it�s startling, because I never remember starting the mantra. I have so got to hold it together, even if it means grinding my teeth to nubs.