AGONIPPE Thank you, Greg, for the facelift. [agonnipe]

I went to get shots today. A whole bunch of them, in preparation of a trip to Africa I�m making in a month. (More on the trip later.)

Tetanus, hepatitis, polio � that�s right, Bud. The sugar cube is a thing of the past�

I hate shots. I don�t mind when they use needles to draw blood, but I hate shots.

Think about it, the inside of your elbow, where they typically go to draw 5 ccs, is relatively numb. Try pinching yourself there if you don�t believe me. Go ahead, hard as you can. See?

But shots, man � they hurt.

So, imagine my surprise when they didn�t�

Me during the first shot: �Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie � hey, wait a minute! That didn�t hurt. I mean, really, it didn�t hurt.�

Then the second shot: Nope.

And then the third: Nada.

I had to watch the nurse to be sure I was actually getting the shots. I mean I felt the cold of the needle in my arm, and it weren�t a joy, but I didn�t even feel the prick. I�ve had paper cuts that felt a heck of a lot worse. I found myself strangely disappointed.

And I told the nurse so.

After she stopped laughing, she said something about them making the needles sharper than when we were young.

Son of a �

It�s disappointing when you think you�re getting a surprise party only to find out that all of your friends have forgotten your birthday.

But I tell you, having experienced the former, it�s strangely worse when you build up anticipation of something truly dreadful, only to find the fear of the thing really is worse than the thing itself.

Especially, since they give you these really cool blue Snoopy Band-Aids after�